Requirements for materials
General requirements for the author
Scientific articles sent to the editorial office of the journal "Vestnik FIPS" must be original scientific research with scientific novelty and/or be of a scientific and practical nature.
The author is responsible for the content and style of the article, the selection and reliability of the facts, terms, quotations, as well as the use of data not intended for open publication.
The originality of each article is checked by the editorial board with the "Anti-Plagiarism" system.
Articles with a text originality level of at least 80% are allowed to be published. At the same time, up to 20% are quotations and common expressions, incorrect quoting (plagiarism) is not allowed.
Required elements
In a scientific article sent to the editorial office of the journal, in addition to the main text, the following data should be indicated:
- UDC code;
- title of the article (in Russian and English);
- surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the authors (in full) (in Russian and English);
- academic degree, academic title (in Russian and English);
- the place of work of each author in the nominative case, position (in Russian and English);
- contact information (legal address of the place of work, phone, e-mail) (in Russian and English);
- abstract (200-500 characters) (in Russian and English);
- keywords (5-7 words or phrases) (in Russian and English).
Requirements for the structure of the article
The article should be clearly structured and have the following elements:
Research materials and methods
Literature review (possibly by text – at the discretion of the author)
The results of the study
Conclusion (conclusions)
List of sources
Acknowledgements (takes place when preparing an article within the framework of grants, government assignments, etc.; for the authors of FIPS, when sending a paper prepared within the framework of research, a link indicating the name of the research work is mandatory). It expresses gratitude for the financial, informational and other support provided during the writing of the article. Thanks can also be expressed to consultants, experts and other specialists who assisted the authors in preparing, editing, and translating the article.
Annotation and keyword requirements
The abstract should correspond to the structure of the article. The abstract should briefly and clearly indicate: relevance; the purpose of the study; methods; results, their novelty, practical value; conclusions; directions for further research.
The general principles and requirements for the design, structure and content of abstracts and abstracts to articles are specified in GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76) "Abstract and abstract. General requirements".
Keywords are the search image of a scientific article. In this regard, they should reflect the main provisions, achievements, results, terminology of scientific research. The keywords themselves are separated by commas, no period is placed after the last word.
Requirements for the design of the article
The volume of the main text of the article is 10-15 A4 pages (deviation from the specified volume is allowed only by the decision of the editorial board of the journal);
- margins: 3 cm on the left, 2 cm on the top, right and bottom.
- font – Times New Roman,
- size – 12;
- line spacing – one and a half;
- paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm;
- the title of the article and section headings are highlighted in bold;
- formulas are executed in the MathType editor (not in the built-in Word 2007-2012 editor). Simple formulas, symbols and symbols are typed without using the formula editor;
- drawings, graphs should be presented as separate files in an editable Microsoft Excel, Tiff or Jpeg format (resolution 600 dpi). According to the text of the article, drawings should also be placed (in sufficient quality for viewing), captions to them are mandatory. In addition, tables and figures should be numbered.
Requirements for the list of sources
A well-thought-out list of sources characterizes the relevance and qualitative level of the research conducted by the author.
In our magazine:
The recommended number of sources is at least 10.
The sources in the list are arranged in the order of the first mention in the text.
All sources from the list of references should be referenced in the text of the article. References are given in square brackets.
The list of sources should include, first of all, scientific literature: articles from scientific journals, monographs, collections of articles, conference collections, electronic journals and fundamental works on the topic. References to textbooks, dissertations and abstracts of dissertations, GOST standards, and regulations are not allowed. If necessary, links to this literature - a footnote is drawn up.
At least 50% of the sources must be at least five years old.
The permissible number of publications by the authors of the article (self-citation) in the list of references should be no more than 10% of the total number of literary sources.
The list of sources used is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
The order of referral to the editorial office
The article is sent by a cover letter in the form according to Appendix No. 1.
The article file is submitted by e-mail;
The file name is the full name of the Authors.
By submitting an article to the journal, the author guarantees that it has not been published and is not being considered for publication in another magazine.
Sending the manuscript to the editor is considered acceptance and means that the author has read the rules for publishing the article in in the journal, I agree with them and am obliged to comply with them (acceptance).pan>
The procedure for making a decision on publication
The manuscript is undergoing a "double-blind" review.
The decision to publish (or reject) an article is made by the editorial board after receiving the reviews and responses of the author.
The editorial board reserves the right to make abbreviations and editorial changes to the manuscript that do not affect the essence and content of the article, while maintaining the integrity of the publications.
The editorial board reserves the right to publish articles after editorial revision in the event that the author has not informed in writing about his consent or disagreement with the comments on the text within 7 calendar days (from the date of sending the article for approval).
The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles if the author does not want to take into account the wishes of the editorial board.
The material of the article may be rejected by the editorial board at the stage preceding the review, if there is a good reason for this: the subject of the article does not correspond to the subject of the journal; the article is obviously of low scientific quality; the article was previously published in another publication; if it turns out that the article violates someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics. The editorial board also has the right to reject improperly designed articles.