To the authors
Dear authors!
We invite you to publish in the Bulletin of Federal institute of industrial property ISSN: 2782-5086 (Print)
The peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal covers the results of scientific activity in the field of intellectual property in the following areas:
- Natural sciences;
- Technical sciences;
- Medical Sciences;
- Social sciences and Humanities;
All materials submitted to the editorial office undergo a double-blind review procedure. The review is carried out by independent experts and in accordance with the ethical principles of the Publication Ethics Committee.
Vestnik FIPS provides direct open access to its content. Publications are included in the systems for calculating the citation indices of authors and journals (RSCI).
Publication in the journal "Vestnik FIPS" is free for authors.
The editorial board does not charge the authors for the preparation, placement and printing of materials.
You can send your manuscript or ask a question to the editorial office:
Requirements for materials