Publication ethics
Reliability of the study
Each manuscript is an independent completed text. The main task of the author is to present the results of his research as fully and reliably as possible. Both the data used and the discussion of the significance of the study should be reliable. Data refers to information obtained or used by the authors to formulate the main conclusions. The study should be detailed enough to understand the essence of the work and refer to available sources of information.
Citation and responsibility of the Author
The author is obliged to make references to those works that had the greatest impact on his research, so that the reader can refer to earlier original research on the problem under consideration. The list of references should contain all the sources mentioned by the author in the text of the manuscript. The author is responsible for the correctness of the references presented in the work, thus emphasizing the contribution of other researchers.
The author submits an article for consideration, the materials of which have not been previously published. If the article is based on previously published materials of a non-article nature or the materials are presented on the Internet (for example, posted on the preprint server), the author notifies the editorial board of the journal.
The author does not submit one article to different journals for review.
All co-authors agree to submit the article to the journal.
The author notifies the editorial board of a potential conflict of interest.
The author correctly cites the sources used, including his own earlier works, avoids self-plagiarism in the manuscript and artificially increasing the number of publications or the volume of the article.
The list of authors includes all persons who have made a significant contribution to the research, and only these persons. Attribution is not allowed.
The corresponding author notifies his co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial board of the journal and does not make decisions about the article alone, without the consent of all co-authors.
The author correctly conducts correspondence with the reviewer through the editorial office and responds to comments and observations if they arise.
The author cooperates with the editorial board, answers the editor's letters and questions that arise; if necessary, makes adjustments to the text of the submitted article.
Ethical principles of the Editorial Board members
The members of the Editorial Board participate in the development of the journal's development strategy and support the ethical standards of interaction adopted in the scientific and publishing communities.
In order to promote the quality work of the journal and increase its prestige in the scientific community, members of the Editorial Board have the right to publish their work (including co-authorship) in the journal on the basis of the norms of Publication ethics and rules adopted in the journal.
Ethics, duties and responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief
When managing the journal and making decisions about publications, the editor-in-chief and his deputies are guided by the provisions of the journal's Charter, current legislation in the field of defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism, the principles of impartiality and confidentiality. They work closely with the members of the Editorial Board.
The editor-in-chief and his deputy have the right to publish their articles (including co-authorship) in the journal based on the norms of Publication ethics and rules adopted in the journal. The final decision on the publication of their articles, taking into account the opinions of editors and reviewers, should be supported by two members of the Editorial Board.
Investigation in case of violation of ethical principles: The Editor-in-Chief and his deputy are responsible for ethical supervision, resolution of issues regarding conflicts of interest/competing interests, intellectual property and other violations of ethical principles in manuscripts or already published articles. They also decide to make public the results of the relevant investigations.
Handling complaints and appeals: The Editor-in-Chief and his deputy organize work with complaints and appeals (primarily from authors) addressed to the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board of the journal. They are responsible for ensuring timely response to complaints and appeals and transparency of the process. Its purpose is to resolve the issues raised and achieve understanding between all stakeholders.
Ethics of reviewers
The reviewer must remain anonymous to the author. The name and contacts of the reviewer are known only to the issuing editor.
The reviewer reviews the submitted manuscript objectively and impartially. Personal criticism of the authors, hostility, and insulting tone are unacceptable. Reviewers should avoid statements that cast doubt on the reputation of the authors and formulate their conclusions about the reviewed manuscript with due respect.
A reviewer who considers himself unqualified to review a proposed manuscript should notify the editor and abandon the review process. If it is necessary to discuss it with third parties as part of a scientific consultation, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editorial board about this.
The reviewer is obliged to declare any potential conflict of interest before the review begins. A conflict of interest may be personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political, or religious, and may also include any relationship with the author that affects the outcome of the review.
The reviewer should provide a meaningful and comprehensive review report, as well as comments that will help the authors improve their manuscript. The reviewer should express his point of view, arguing and explaining what additional research is needed to confirm the conclusions and clarify the results made in the manuscript under consideration. If a decision is made to finalize the manuscript, the reviewer is obliged to familiarize himself with the corrections and submit his final decision. The reviewer is not allowed to use the information, data, theory or interpretations presented in the manuscript in his own works before the publication of the article or without the written consent of the author. The information obtained as a result of the review should remain confidential and not be used for personal purposes.
Publisher's Responsibility
The publisher supports scientific communication and invests in this process, is responsible for compliance with all modern recommendations in the published work.
The publisher has no influence on the editorial policy of the journal.
The publisher provides legal support to the editorial board of the journal (if necessary).
The publisher ensures the timely release of the next issues of the magazine.gazine.
The publisher publishes edits, clarifications and withdraws articles that have been identified ethical violations or serious mistakes.